Just when we are having about the worst Winter weather ever here. . . we get this photo from Cousin Ed! He's in New Zealand at Rurakaka Beach - Two Parrots. (Maori) Ed, I'm putting a snowball in the freezer - for your next visit!
Our Family had the old green Kenwood mixer since about 1956 an it served The Poulin Family faithfully all through the years. Many, many potatoes got mashed by this machine! Sadly, we said good bye to the old machine and it's gone to old appliance Heaven; a Salvation Army Thrift Store in Surrey. We now have our new KitchenAid Artisan and Girlie is very happy. There a whole lot of baking going on, here at our house!
Our Little Girl is a "Big Ten Year Old" now. Angela and Friends, with little Brother, went to see the movie, "Happy Feet." There was a party with pizza and cake after.
Angela had to get glasses today; just for reading. We hope this will stop the headaches she's been getting. I've had headaches all my life and I sure don't want my Daughter to be the same as I in this regard. Angela can see her reading material much better now. We're all happy about this. To my little nightly sneak reader, "don't fall asleep with your glasses on!"